Monday, October 8, 2007


Some thousand of years the india was in guru place to the world. from all over the world the students came to india india and learn astrology,astronomy,arithematics,science,and economics, administrationEtc.In the famous institutes of NALANDA, TAKSHASILA Etc.why because india indians mentality is basically always distribute or teacth our knoledge to others and all human beings are equal they pray any god or not.why because in india asthikavadam or nasthikavadam are two formulaa people leave to-gether in one sosiety like brothers. in indian culture basicacally to respect others religions&formalities so that in this long period of occupation by forigners in this india so many religions religions some religions says our god is only god others or not gods they are kaphirs or anti god eliments so they have no right to live in this wold like this they are saying.some religions says we are the direct god servents we made every every thing to you once you believe our made any sin once pray the god the sin will take god and god will save you in this pattern their propaganda.Iam very poor in english so adjust the language.